
Research and Development

Zahangir Khaled, PhD

Engineer-Materials Chemistry and Durability

Zahangir joined 3E Nano Inc. in 2023 as Materials and Durability Engineer, bringing his expertise in materials science to drive the company’s material development initiatives towards commercialization. Zahangir is primarily involved in surface engineering of polymeric materials to enhance the hardness, flexibility, and durability of polymer substrates in the pursuit to establish strong underlayer support systems of the low E coating stacks. This aims to the development of durable and sustainable products.

Zahangir holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Western University, London, ON, Canada with a focus on designing nanotechnology-based advanced functional polymer composites for load-bearing applications. During his post-doctoral training at the Methodist Research Institute in Houston, he specialized in designing organic-organic hybrid polymer coatings with intelligent features for controlled delivery applications. Zahangir possesses over ten years of experience as a research scientist in the pipeline coating industry in Canada, where he has contributed to the commercialization efforts of advanced functional barrier coatings for pipeline protection. With a solid foundation in polymer science and material engineering, Zahangir plays a pivotal role in designing, developing, and testing 3E Nano’s high performance coating products, advancing its cleantech initiatives towards reality.